The Pontis Story.

We walk side by side with the very poor, rural farm families in Latin America, sharing their burden working out of poverty.

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Poverty is an Overwhelming Burden in Rural Latin America

Latin America has the highest poverty in the Western Hemisphere and Nicaragua is its second poorest nation. The rural poor are caught in a spiral of hunger and uncertainty as they attempt to live on $25-$50 per month ($1-2 per day), far below the Nicaragua poverty threshold of $450 per month.

The big thing in our hearts is helping farm families on small farms.

We believe God uses small things, like farm families on 3-5 acre farms, to make big transformations, such as virtually eliminating poverty in Latin America (a goal we hope to be part of achieving in our lifetimes).

We Start and Finish with Families

Every Pontis program is ultimately about family. We aim for food and faith in every home. Strong relationships between the Pontis team and farm families, within communities, between our US partners and Nicaraguan farmers, and for all with God are the key outcomes we target every day.

You help families transform subsistence farms into enterprise farms.

Education -  The Pontis Nicaragua two-year course teaches 20-30 farmers how to increase their farm's yield, get better prices for their crops and responsibly operate a small farm.  Farmers like Jadier use the methods they learn to take their family from subsistence farming's poverty to enterprise farms that provide healthy, sustainable lives.

Small Farm Community  - Our core work is helping farm families in the communities where they live. Classes are half day every two weeks.  Education continues throughout the month as Pontis agronomists visit their farms and mentor new skills.

The Gospel - We live and share Jesus's gospel while serving, loving and growing some of the Americas' neediest people.

From Subsistence Farming to Enterprise Farms

Subsistence farming, focused on staple crops such as corn, beans and rice, is a trap for rural families. Normal challenges such as weather, poor markets for their products or land issues destroy any headway made toward better lives. High dependence on chemicals takes a harsh toll on the soil and farms are bare and produce low yields. The 68% of the rural population who live below $2 per day will always be poor in this situation, even with hard work.

At Pontis Nicaragua we work with farm families to transform subsistence farms to enterprise farms. Enterprise farms are based on both solid agricultural and business practices. They are less chemical-dependent and use modern practices to produce yields 30-100% higher. The farms are run with financial discipline and spread risk over multiple crops. They grow cash crops for additional income and use savings to fill the gaps during unexpected events.

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Your Support brings Education, Grows Farms, and Builds Families

To build true Enterprise Farms, Pontis education includes business training.  A key component are techniques to better deliver and sell their products in local markets.  When complete, farmers provide for their families today and for generations to come.

Your support provides the agronomists, trainers, model farm training centers and materials to bring Pontis Sustainable Agriculture to more small farm families and rural communities.

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You make the difference, one small farm, one life, one family at a time.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and “you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Jesus Christ, Matt 11:28-29