Our Team


Leck and Cynthia Heflin

Leck is founder and Executive Director of Pontis Nicaragua.  After a successful career as a home builder, Leck and Cynthia felt called to move to Nicaragua and help the poor build bridges to better lives.  Leck's calling led to his original vision for Pontis.  Leck and Cynthia have lived in Matagalpa, Nicaragua since 2011.

Leck:   "In November 2003 I was looking for my next assignment when, I was captured by a vision given to my friend Byron Easterling for the economic transformation of the nation of Nicaragua.  A key element in this transformation would be the elevation of the poor through small farms and small farm-related businesses.  The church in the US would serve to catalyze the process. I wanted in."

Cynthia: "Leck and I have always been a team.  I find great satisfaction in helping him accomplish the things that God has called him to.  It’s really just that simple."


Ernesto Martinez

Ernesto is our Chief Agronomist. He plans and leads the field work developing model farms, designing curriculum, teaching classes, and helping people see how to grow into fuller lives. Ernesto has a degree in Agricultural Engineering and brings twenty years of experience helping the rural poor in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Ernesto brings a unique blend of heart and mind to farmers and their families


Jerenia Torrez Lúquez

Jerenia Torrez is our Operations Manager. A native of Matagalpa, her insight into the culture, commitment to the mission and skills in working with individuals, communities and visiting teams make her role a vital element in Pontis Nicaragua success.

"The love for our country has always been a big part of our family.  To share, serve  and help others has been a very practical thing in our life.  To be able to implement what God has put in our hearts through Pontis is a blessing, to empower them to discover what they are able to do and get in life, it's tremendous for me. I feel very honoured and humbled to be part of this big project of God."


Victor Torrez

Victor Torrez is a Trainee Technician and Instructor.  He assists Ernesto in formalizing and always improving the Pontis Sustainable Agriculture Program.

"Learning and growing has been the key for me to be able to serve and help others.  I am fully blessed for the opportunity to share my gifts from the Lord with Pontis team and farm students."


Sergio Hernandez

Sergio is a Junior Technician who joined Pontis in 2016. Prior to joining Pontis, Sergio participated in the Pontis Sustainable Agriculture Program as a student. Sergio has served as the president and secretary of the Nueva Esperanza community council. He and his wife, Grisela, live and farm in Nueva Esperanza.


Maria Magdalena Fernandez Castillo

Maria joined Pontis in 2016.  She provides meals for the Pontis team as well as for visitors and service teams.  She cares for the Pontis office in Matagalpa.  Maria has four sons and feels blessed to be part of the team.

"I am discovering that God wants to use me to bless other through my work and service for them. I am happy to know that what I do blesses others. I pray that the work continues growing!"


Marvin Perez and Nora Ortiz

Marvin and Nora, with their five children, live on and manage the Pontis Demo Farm in Veracruz, Nicaragua. Marvin brings a lifetime of real-world small farm experience. His perspective is invaluable in developing farm methods, specifically for small rural farms and the families who operate them.


Brad Allen

Brad Allen is a volunteer who has worked with Pontis Nicaragua since 2012. He applies his 30 years of experience in business and engineering towards helping us find partners in the US to walk with farm families in their journeys out of poverty.  He also covers a number of business processes, web development, and creating training aids. Brad is located in Redmond, WA. 

"Since 2008 God has consistently called my family and I to serve in Nicaragua.  Connecting with Leck, Cynthia, and Ernesto has been a great blessing and I am thankful to be considered part of the Pontis team."